Raise the Wage

Social Media Toolkit


  • #RaiseTheWage
  • #RaiseTheWagePA
  • #FightForPayInPA

Sample Social Posts

  • All Pennsylvanians deserve dignity, respect, and fairness. It’s time to #RaiseTheWage for working people! #FightForPayInPA
  • Sign our Wage Petition and send a message that it’s far past time for a living wage in PA! RaiseTheWagePA.com/WagePetition – sign now & share! #FightForPayInPA
  • #DYK that 54% of low-wage workers are women? Women deserve a living wage. It’s time to #FightForPayInPA – join our efforts at RaiseTheWagePA.com
  • When people earn a living wage, they have money to spend, which helps businesses AND families thrive. Pay workers what they deserve. #FightForPayInPA
  • If you believe that all workers deserve dignity, fairness, and respect, sign our Wage Petition at RaiseTheWagePA.com/WagePetition – sign now & share! #FightForPayInPA
  • Join our wage coalition! Fight alongside us as we demand a living wage in PA. RaiseTheWagePA.com #FightForPayInPA
  • Sign your name today to demand a living wage in PA! RaiseTheWagePA.com/WagePetition #FightForPayInPA
  • #DYK that ALL of PA’s neighboring states have a higher minimum wage? It’s time to #RaiseTheWage and #FightForPayInPA
  • Raising the #MinimumWage in PA would lift families out of poverty. We need to #FightForPayInPA – join us at RaiseTheWagePA.com

Best Practices

  • Post regularly
  • Tag partners, organizations, allies
  • Post across platforms
  • Alternate between text, graphic and photo posts
  • Focus on a call-to-action

Best Practices

  • Post regularly
  • Tag partners, organizations, allies
  • Post across platforms
  • Alternate between text, graphic and photo posts
  • Focus on a call-to-action

Suggested Images


Raise the Wage
Raise the Wage Logo


Raise the Wage Petition


Raise the Wage #FightForPayInPA
Raise the Wage - Join the Fight. Sign our petition..
Raise the Wage - Dignity. Respect. Fairness
Raise the Wage - $15/Hour for Dignity, Respect, Fairness
Raise the Wage - Join our fight. Be a wage advocate.


Raise the Wage #FightForPayInPA
Raise the Wage - Join the Fight. Sign our petition..
Raise the Wage - Dignity. Respect. Fairness
Raise the Wage - $15/Hour for Dignity, Respect, Fairness
Raise the Wage - Join our fight. Be a wage advocate.